A 1320-7(2) Tripurāsārasamuccayaṭippaṇa

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Manuscript culture infobox

Filmed in: A 1320/7
Title: Tripurāsārasamuccaya
Dimensions: 24.5 x 7 cm x 196 folios
Material: paper?
Scripts: Newari
Languages: Sanskrit; Newari
Subjects: Tantra
Acc No.: NAK 6/2617

Reel No. A 1320-7

Inventory No. 122525

Title Tripurāsārasamuccayaṭippaṇa

Author Nāgabhaṭṭa

Subject Tantra

Language Sanskrit

Manuscript Details

Script Newari

Material paper

State complete

Size 24.5 x 7.0 cm

Folios 196

Lines per Folio 5

Foliation figures in the right margin of the verso

Date of Copying

Place of Deposit NAK

Accession No. 6-2617

Manuscript Features

Two manuscripts have been filmed under this reel number.

The first contains the Tripurāsārasamuccaya and is complete with 69 folios. Throughout this manuscript notes are found in the margins and between the lines (They are difficult to read in the scan that was used for cataloguing, but in the microfilm are probably legible.). Additionally, numbers are written above the lines which give the anvaya, the natural word order. For example, in case of the first stanza, we find the numbers one to five above the words: bhavānyāḥ, śrīpādāmbhojayugmaṃ, vo, maṃgala(!), kṛṣiṣṭa(!).

The second with the Tripurāsārasamuccayaṭippaṇa consists of 128 folios and seems to be incomplete, according to the index card. Fols. 1 to 12r are filmed on reel 1320, the otheres on 1321. The latter have not been taken into account here.



oṃ namaḥ śrītripurabhairavyai ||

namāmi tripurām ambāṃ tritribhedapurānanīṃ
pirādi(!)tritribhedena vyāptasvātmapuratrayāṃ ||

praṇamya gurum īśānaṃ bhaṭṭanāgaparāvidhaṃ(!) |
karomi ṭippaṇaṃ sārasamaccaya(!)parasparaṃ(!) ||

mantroddhāreṣu viṣamo grantho 'yaṃ sarvvasammataḥ |
atas tadartham evāsmadudyamo 'nyatra leśataḥ ||

paryyāyāktyā(!) kva cit kvāpi svarūpagrahaṇena ca |
viṣamāni(!) padāny atra vyākhyāsye 'haṃ yathāmati ||

atha granthadau(!) granthakāraḥ svātmato lokasya ca viśiṣṭā'bhīṣṭārthāvāptaye āśirvvādalakṣaṇaṃ maṃgalam ācann(!) abhimatadevatāṃ śrībhavānīṃ vimṛṣati |

prahvetyādi || bhavānī bhāvāt saṃsārāt ā samantāt nayanaśīlā bhavottāraṇasvabhāvety arthaḥ | bhavaṃ saṃsāram ānayatīti bhavānī | bhedapratipattiḥ || uktaṃ hi || pravṛttibhūtānām aiśvarīti |

icchayā kurute viśvaṃ nāśayej jagad icchayā |

sā tu māyā ityādi ca || anyatra ca ||

harttum tvam eva bhavasi tvadadhīnam īśe
saṃsāratāpam akhilaṃ dayayā paśūnāṃ |
vaikarttanī kiraṇasaṃhatir eva śaktyā
gharmmaṃ nijaṃ śamayituṃ nijayātivṛṣṭye-

ti ca | bhavā(!) mahādevas tasyā 'bhinnā yā śaktir bhavānī | etad uktaṃ bhavati || atra pañcavidhakṛtyakāriṇī , samvidātmikā pārameśvarī śaktiḥ tritribhedapurātanatvāt | tripadavyāptatvāt | tripadārthaprāpakatvāt | tripadarūpatvāc ca tripurābhidheyā upāṣye(!)ty arthaḥ | tasyā śrīpādāmbhojayugmaṃ śrīmānapādaḥ śrīpādaḥ śrīr eva pādaḥ śrīpādo vā | śrīśaktiḥ niratiśayam aiśvaryye sāmarthyaṃ prāptiś ca pādo gamanasvabhāvaḥ tena kriyāśaktirūpāḥ | gatyārthāḥ budhyarthāḥ | tena bodhalakṣaṇaḥ jñānaśaktimayaḥ ayam arthaḥ śaktayā yasya jagat kṛtsnam iti | nītyā viśvaśaktiś ca khacitaṃ jñānakriyātmakaṃ || etc. etc. (fol. 1v1-3r2)


iti śrīmacchaktīśvarānanātha(!)śiṣyāmṛtānandaviracite śrītripurāsārasamuccaye ṭippaṇe prathamaḥ paṭalaḥ || 1 || (fol. 12r4-5)

Microfilm Details

Reel No. A 1320/7b

Date of Filming 13-07-1988


Used Copy Kathmandu (scanned)

Type of Film positive

Catalogued by AM

Date 09-12-2010